Analyses & Studies

Report | EAIO Economic Newsletter - The Official Development Aid in EAIO

The November's monthly letter by the French Treasury in EAIO focuses on the Official Development Aid (ODA) in EAIO

The monthly East Africa and Indian Ocean (EAIO) study has just been published by the SER of Nairobi, with the contribution of the SE of Dar es Salaam. This month's letter focuses on the ODA in EAIO. Here's a brief description:

In 2021, the EAIO region attracted USD 25.3 billion in ODA, representing 45.9% of official development assistance (ODA) to Sub-Saharan African countries and 18.7% of global ODA. Characterized by a high degree of concessionality, due to the low level of development of the countries in the region, this aid is mainly concentrated in Ethiopia (1st recipient in Sub-Saharan Africa), Sudan (2nd), Kenya (5th) and Tanzania (6th), due to their large populations. As of 2021, ODA per capita is prevalent in small countries and Sudan. Although the amount of ODA received by the region has declined compared to its 2020 level (which peaked at USD 27.2 billion due to the pandemic), there is a sharp increase compared to its pre-crisis 2019 level (+22.2%).


Overview (4 pages):

  • French version HERE
  • English version HERE

The full study:

  • French version only HERE
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